She Walks Worthy ] Bible Study for Women, Bible Study for Beginners, Bible Study for Seekers, Bible Journey,
Hello and welcome to the She Walks Worthy Podcast! Are you a follower of Jesus but you struggle with your Bible Study time? Do you find the Bible overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start? Have you tried to read it but you don’t really understand it, or maybe even find it a little bit boring? Or are you super busy with all-the-things and you think you can’t possibly add anything else - so Bible Study gets put on the shelf until life slows down? If you said yes to any of those questions, Sister, you are in the right place! My name is Penni, and at one time or another I have answered yes to all of those questions, too. What I was stunned to find out was that I had never been taught how to read the Bible! I was in my 40s when someone finally gave me the keys that unlocked scripture. And I don’t want you to have to spend any more time struggling with your Bible time. You don’t have to think the Bible is overwhelming or boring or you don’t have time for it. I am here to help you learn to LOVE your Bible! You CAN learn to read it!! It is living and active, and it can be the best part of your day. This is a Bible Study for Women who have been believers for a long time, this is a Bible study for new Christians, this is a great Beginners Bible Study. This is a Bible Study for anyone who wants to know God more and love God more. So I hope you’ll join me on this journey and we will be a community of women who seek to walk worthy.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
A mere two chapters into the Shalom of the garden, something wicked this way comes. This week we take a look at how the decision to be disobedient took shape and how it trickles down like juice of the forbidden fruit to effect every area of creation.
And yet, God does not leave his creation without hope. Read along with me as we discover the craftiness of the sneaky snake to lead humanity into his dark realm, but how God has preserved his kingdom of light and how he will make a way for us to come back!
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Clocking in at 4:45, you've got plenty of time to get a couple of reads in for Genesis chapter 3. God created the world and declares it very good, and it is a picture of beauty and abundance....shalom. And it lasts all of two chapters. Get ready for sneaky snakes and the bitter taste of forbidden fruit.
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Today, we start to get comfortable in the garden, we get a tour of Eden. Are you excited? Here are the links I mentioned in the episode.
Arguments for Eden being the first tabernacle/temple:SBJT-22.2-Adam-as-Priest-Beale.pdf (
A counter article to Eden being the first tabernacle/templeWas Eden a Temple? (
The Mystery of Adam's Wounding | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Generations: The Mysteries of TOLEDOT – Hebrew Word Lessons
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Are you ready for Genesis chapter 2? As you read thoughtfullyi and prayerfully, this quick prepisode gives you some questions to think about to help you dig deeper. You may feel challenged....that's OK! Let's stretch ourselves to increase in the knowledge of God.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
We open our Bibles to the very beginning and look at the first 6 days of creation. We talk about Genesis being a very appropriate title for the first book of the Bible. We talk about how although Moses doesn't give God a formal introduction, he sure tells us a lot about him in the first verse. We spend some time looking at how God created the earth formless and void, not a perfectly round globe...and we ask why God would create a formless, void earth when he could have created the Garden of Eden. Have you ever thought about why we thrive when we establish healthy rhythms in our lives? We talk about that! And we take a look at mankind being made in God's image, and how that would have sounded to the original audience. It's a jam packed episode, and we just barely scratch the surface!!
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Time is such a precious commodity these days. It can genuinely seem like we don't have enough time to read and study our Bible, and yet, we can often find the time to do other things we want to do. In this episode, we'll take a look at some areas where we may be able to find extra time in the day....we're looking for 20 minutes a day to start with. Are there minutes that could be redeemed for profitable and productive activity in your day?
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
We're getting ready to spend the week in Genesis chapter 1!!
Because so many of you said you didn't know where to start in reading and studying your Bible, we are going to start where it all starts: In the beginning.....
Here you'll the background on the book of Genesis, which will help prepare you and orient you to the book. It will be the context in which you read Genesis.
You'll also get your reading time, and some things to ponder as you read throughout the week.
Then I'll meet you right back here next week for the discussion of the chapter! I'm so excited for you, and I am praying for you!!
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Hello and welcome to the She Walks Worthy Podcast!
Are you a follower of Jesus but you struggle with your Bible Study time?
Do you find the Bible overwhelming and you just don't know where to start?
Have you tried to read it but you don't really understand it, or maybe even find it a little bit boring?
Or are you super busy with all-the-things and you think you can't possibly add anything else - so Bible Study gets put on the shelf until life slows down?
If you said yes to any of those questions, Sister, you are in the right place! My name is Penni, and at one time or another I have answered yes to all of those questions, too.
What I was stunned to find out was that I had never been taught how to read the Bible! I was in my 40s when someone finally gave me the keys that unlocked scripture.
And I don't want you to have to spend any more time struggling with your Bible time. You don't have to think the Bible is overwhelming or boring or you don't have time for it.
I am here to help you learn to LOVE your Bible! You CAN learn to read it!! It is living and active, and it can be the best part of your day.
So I hope you'll join me on this journey and we will be a community of women who walk worthy.