She Walks Worthy ] Bible Study for Women, Bible Study for Beginners, Bible Study for Seekers, Bible Journey,

Hello and welcome to the She Walks Worthy Podcast! Are you a follower of Jesus but you struggle with your Bible Study time? Do you find the Bible overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start? Have you tried to read it but you don’t really understand it, or maybe even find it a little bit boring? Or are you super busy with all-the-things and you think you can’t possibly add anything else - so Bible Study gets put on the shelf until life slows down? If you said yes to any of those questions, Sister, you are in the right place! My name is Penni, and at one time or another I have answered yes to all of those questions, too. What I was stunned to find out was that I had never been taught how to read the Bible! I was in my 40s when someone finally gave me the keys that unlocked scripture. And I don’t want you to have to spend any more time struggling with your Bible time. You don’t have to think the Bible is overwhelming or boring or you don’t have time for it. I am here to help you learn to LOVE your Bible! You CAN learn to read it!! It is living and active, and it can be the best part of your day. This is a Bible Study for Women who have been believers for a long time, this is a Bible study for new Christians, this is a great Beginners Bible Study. This is a Bible Study for anyone who wants to know God more and love God more. So I hope you’ll join me on this journey and we will be a community of women who seek to walk worthy.

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Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4
This surely must be the greatest blessing, gift and comfort for parents, to see their children come to faith in Christ. But perhaps you are a parent and you haven't received this blessing yet. Perhaps you have adult children who have not surrendered their life to Jesus. I'm sure many sleepless nights can be accounted for spent in tears and prayer.
What about an adult child who struggles with salvation? They have prayed to be saved, but they don't "feel saved." How does a parent guide and encourage them?
This is the heart of our question today in our ASK THE PASTOR series. Joshua explains, the Bible is very clear about salvation. It isn't based on feelings or emotions, but it is a confession and a heart belief, which results in a changed life. Have a listen to hear how Joshua explains it.
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram, and reach out and tell me your family Christmas Traditions for an upcoming holiday bonus episode!
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Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Friday Nov 08, 2024

OK, we get you ready to finish the book of Acts this week with the reading of the final two chapters, Acts chapters 27-28. 
Paul is finally heading to Rome! 
It's been 30 years (give or take) since Jesus told his disciples they would be his witnesses to the end of the earth. Does that seem incredible to you? It boggles my mind in the most amazing way!
Be sure to listen all the way through to the end to find out what's happening after we finish with Acts. I'm calling it our "Winter Program." (That makes it sound more official.)
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram, and reach out and tell me your family Christmas Traditions for an upcoming holiday bonus episode!
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Thursday Nov 07, 2024

Our penultimate weekly Bible study of the book of Acts reads like a script from a Broadway play, Our main character Paul stand trial before three powerful men, Governor Felix, Governor Festus, and King Agrippa II. 
The Jews are still blood thirsty, and even the passage of time has not curbed their blood lust. 
Paul finally arrives at the decision to appeal to Caesar, and although Festus promises to send him, he waits on the council of King Agrippa, who is an expert in Jewish customs. 
In the end, we find that God is in ultimate control, just as he is today.
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram, and reach out and tell me your family Christmas Traditions for an upcoming holiday bonus episode!
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 
The apostle Paul in Caesarea | Paul before Felix | Paul before Festus | Paul before King Agrippa | Ananais and Tertullus | Sect of the Nazarenes | Paul appeals to Caesar

Monday Nov 04, 2024

We've got a really interesting question today for our Bonus Series, "Ask the Pastor." 
One listener asks, "How important is it for the church today to observe or honor the biblical feasts and festivals, for example, the Passover Seder?
Have you ever considered this question?
I'm back with my Sr. Teaching Pastor, Joshua York, and he digs into this question with some help from his regular Sunday morning preaching series through the book of Hebrews.
The feasts, festivals and food laws were a central part of the Mosiac Law, and the ancient Jewish people knew them like the back of their hand. But did they stand alone or did they point to something greater? Do the writers of the New Testament speak to Old Testament feasts fulfilled in the New Testament? Are Christians obligated to keep Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles? How are we to understand the Law of Moses vs the Law of Christ?
Joshua says a lot in just a few minutes on this jam-packed episode. It's good to stimulate the mind and think deeply about Spiritual things. I hope you enjoy this special episode.
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram, and reach out and tell me your family Christmas Traditions for an upcoming holiday bonus episode!
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Friday Nov 01, 2024

This week we have three of my favorite chapters in the book of Acts: Acts 24, Acts 25, and Acts 26. If you have listened to me for very long, y'all know I am a history nut, and these three chapters bloom with history. 
In this week's reading you'll encounter two Judean Governors: Antonius Felix and Porcius Festus. You'll also meet King Agrippa and his sister, Bernice. 
There's a surprise in this Prepisode, as you get "a little extra for no charge," a treat usually reserved for full episodes. But don't worry, it won't spoil it for the discussion episode, because next week I'll have A LOT of extra for no charge as I fill in some of the historical details that will help with some context.
As always, you can find a little extra for no charge at She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram. And I'd love for you to reach out and tell me your family Christmas Traditions for an upcoming holiday bonus episode!
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Thursday Oct 31, 2024

Another week down in our Acts Bible Study this week as we look into Paul's arrest in Jerusalem. Paul battles false rumors, false accusations, a near death experience from mob violence, escapes a flogging, splinters the Sanhedrin, has a visit from the Lord (!!!), has a visit from  his nephew (!!) and makes a midnight escape from a death threat. Whew! 
We hear Paul's testimony, we see Paul's Roman Citizenship revealed, and we witness Paul's commission to go to Rome. 
It's a jam packed episode you won't want to miss.
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagramd, and reach out and tell me your family Christmas Traditions for an upcoming holiday bonus episode!
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024

So today on our special Bonus Series of Ask the Pastor we tackle a delicate but oh-so-important question: Does the Bible teach an age of accountability? All my life I've heard that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, but also that when babies die, they go to heaven. How can we reconcile these teachings, or is "babies go to heaven' just something we say?
TRIGGER WARNING: This episode deals with the loss of infants and children in the greater context of "the age of accountability." If this is a tender area for you, we totally understand if this is one that you may need some extra time on.
HOWEVER, Pastor Joshua receives this topic with Pastoral Care and handles it with utmost courtesy and care. He can also speak from experience as one who has lost a child before birth, so he knows how delicate this topic is.
He speaks to some general truths about God that we must understand, and then he shares two specific Biblical views that can help comfort parents as they navigate this difficult situation.
If this is a sensitive area for you, I hope this will be a soothing balm as you look forward to the day you can be reunited with your cherished loved one.
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Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Friday Oct 25, 2024

We are getting ready to peek in at Paul's arrest in Jerusalem this week in our Acts Bible Study. The Jews have set their sights on Paul and they have him in the cross hairs.
Paul gets a surprising visitor while he's in jail, though. And this visitor gives Paul some reassuring news....Acts 1:8 will be fulfilled.
Read Acts 21:17-23:35 with us this week to get the whole story.
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Thursday Oct 24, 2024

We embark this week on Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey as he travels around visiting all the churches he has planted on his previous two missions. If we were looking at a timeline for the 5 years Paul spent on mission, the vast majority would be highlighted as Acts Chapter 19, with Paul in Ephesus. 
Teaching is the main focus this week. There is good teaching, teaching that can use a little refresher, and some bad teaching from those who oppose Paul.
Priscilla and Aquilla meet up with Apollos in Ephesus. Apollos has tons of potential, but he needs some continuing education. After receiving sound instruction, he heads off to Corinth to encourage the church there.
Paul arrives in Ephesus and rents out the hall of Tyrannus for two years. 
He puts a dent in the money machine of Ephesus when God blesses his ministry and people abandon magic and sorcery and burn their spell books...50 thousand pieces of silver worth of spell books. 
God has also saved so many people in Ephesus that the idol makers are feeling the squeeze, and they stir up trouble for Paul and his companions.
We close the lesson out with a visit to our favorite deacon's house, Phillip. Paul isn't the only visitor that shows up, though. 
As we get ready for next week, we find Paul and his companions arriving in Jerusalem. It's a cliffhanger until next week.....
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram
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Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

Well we have a very timely episode for all you followers of our regular Bible Study through the Book of Acts. This week, a listener asks about the formula for baptism as it is described in the New Testament: specifically, the difference between baptism position given by King Jesus in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 (baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit), and the baptism we see in the Book of Acts after Pentecost (baptism in Jesus name only). 
Is there a difference? Why are there two formulas? Is one more correct than the other? Does it matter?
Pastor Joshua York breaks all of these questions down and explains that it mainly comes down to Luke, the author of the Book of Acts, wanting us to distinguish between a THIRD type of baptism mentioned in the New Testament. And now it makes so much more sense!
I hope you enjoy this episode. And if you are following along with our regular weekly Bible Study, this entire episode is "a little extra for no charge." You're welcome!!
This is a special series we are posting for nine weeks, but we have a regular Bible study time each Thursday. We would love for you to join us. Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study, 
For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram
SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
*baptism in Jesus name 
*baptism in Jesus name only
*John's baptism
*early Christian baptism
*redemptive history

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