She Walks Worthy ] Bible Study for Women, Bible Study for Beginners, Bible Study for Seekers, Bible Journey,
Hello and welcome to the She Walks Worthy Podcast! Are you a follower of Jesus but you struggle with your Bible Study time? Do you find the Bible overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start? Have you tried to read it but you don’t really understand it, or maybe even find it a little bit boring? Or are you super busy with all-the-things and you think you can’t possibly add anything else - so Bible Study gets put on the shelf until life slows down? If you said yes to any of those questions, Sister, you are in the right place! My name is Penni, and at one time or another I have answered yes to all of those questions, too. What I was stunned to find out was that I had never been taught how to read the Bible! I was in my 40s when someone finally gave me the keys that unlocked scripture. And I don’t want you to have to spend any more time struggling with your Bible time. You don’t have to think the Bible is overwhelming or boring or you don’t have time for it. I am here to help you learn to LOVE your Bible! You CAN learn to read it!! It is living and active, and it can be the best part of your day. This is a Bible Study for Women who have been believers for a long time, this is a Bible study for new Christians, this is a great Beginners Bible Study. This is a Bible Study for anyone who wants to know God more and love God more. So I hope you’ll join me on this journey and we will be a community of women who seek to walk worthy.
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Let's prepare to see how fully God is in control, even when it seems our life is completely out of control. It must seem that way to Joseph. He had dreamed of being Lord over his brothers, only to find himself cast down and seemingly forgotten in a dungeon prison. How will God work to bring good from this situation?
Famine strikes the region on an epic scale, and back in Canaan, the family of Jacob find themselves in dire straights. So like their father Abraham, they make a journey to Egypt, only to be greeted by a harsh Lord who accuses them of being spies. They don't understand why he was so harsh with them...after all, they are honest men. Oh, well, except for that one time they wanted to kill their brother, but sold him into slavery instead. But that was a long time ago, and they don't like to think about that.
Read along with us to uncover the dramatic story of Reunion, Reconcilation, and Redemption as God's plan unfolds in a way only HE could tell it.
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
It's brother against brothers this week in our Women's Bible Study as Jacob's sons disintegrate into the depths of hatred and jealously. We already know they are capable of murder, and now they have set their eyes on their brother Joseph. They have no plans of bowing to this dreamer. Thankfully, their greed wins out over their blood-lust (she says sarcastically), and they just sell him into slavery for a profit. Little do they know, Joseph is right where God wants him, and he's right where they want him too, they just haven't gotten there yet.
From Joseph to Judah, we do a character study on Jacob's fourth-born son. It's not pretty. He basically leaves his covenant community and becomes a Canaanite. It's total depravity on display, though not utter depravity...he actually could be worse. Thankfully, God does really good work with totally depraved people. It's kinda his thing.
And we end this week's study with God being really REALLY busy doing good things on Joseph's behalf. Not because Joseph deserves it, but because God is good. And this story is really just getting started!
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
In our Women's Bible Study this week, we enter the final big storyline of Genesis with the introduction of Joseph. He ends up getting the most playing time of all in the last 14 chapters of the book. Joseph was the firstborn son of Rachel, the favored and most loved wife of Jacob, and Jacob makes it no secret that Joseph is his favorite son. Naturally, this causes tension and strife between him and his other brothers from different mothers.
Nestled between the introduction chapters of Joseph, we meet another son, Judah. Judah was the fourth son of Leah the Unloved. Fourth sons aren't typically known to be important, but for some reason, Moses zeros in on Judah, so we need to pay attention.
It's a short read this week, just three little chapters clocking in at 10 minutes total reading time. Read it, then read it again and again. How many details can you pick out about Joseph and Judah? How are these two men alike? How are they different? Why do you suppose Judah's story is arranged in the middle of Joseph's introduction?
Come back for the next episode and we'll explore these two sons of Jacob together!
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Have you ever heard the sound of silence? Sometimes I sit in my quiet house and the silence is so loud! I felt like this was what was happening this week in our Women's Bible Study on Genesis 34-36. The only people talking in Genesis 34 sound like clanging symbols, while the voices we want to hear, Dinah, Jacob and God all remain silent. It's one of the darkest chapters in Genesis. And yet, God will use it for his glory. (But we won't see it until we get to the you gotta hang in there with me!!)
Chapter 35, Jacob finally fulfills his vow to return to Bethel, and he takes his family with him! Road Trip!!
His 12th son is born, and his favorite wife gives her life giving life. And we say goodbye to Isaac.
There's actually a lot more going on, but I don't wanna give too much away. Oh, but you will learn what sport I played in high school and how great I wasn't. Put in those earbuds and push PLAY!!
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
We've got a compact reading this week in our Women's Bible Study as we dig into Genesis 34,35 & 36. We start off with the tragic tale of Dinah, Jacob's daughter by Leah the Unloved. As you read through the chapter, take note of how often the LORD is mentioned in this story. Do you think this is significant?
Notice Jacob's two responses to the events of this chapter: one response to what happens to Dinah, and one response to how his sons handle the situation. What are we to make of his responses?
Why does God call Jacob back to Bethel? How does Jacob prepare to return there?
What similarities and differences do you see in God's promises to Jacob and God's promises to Abraham in Genesis 17:1-8?
Why does Esau get an entire chapter devoted to his geneology?
Just some things to think about as you read this week. Come back next week as we wade through these deep waters.
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Oh my goodness! Whoever could think the Bible is boring? If this week's reading were a major motion picture, and it was done right, this would be our SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER!! There's romance, intrigue, backstabbing, polygamy, deceit, superstition, wrestling!! Not to mention there would definitely be baby goats and lambs! There would be sweeping cinematography, the most moving musical score...who wouldn't want to watch that?
Well, maybe we don't have a physical theatrical experience, but in our Women's Bible Study this week, we can watch it in our minds as Jacob comes face to face with himself in his father-in-law, Laban. It's like an episode of Survivor where they are each trying to Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast each other. Spoiler alert: Jacob has the "Fear of Isaac" on his side, so guess who wins?
All throughout this week's reading, Jacob reaps what he has sown for years, but in the end, he is redeemed by the very tenacity he enters this world with. He holds on for a blessing. But this time, he's not stealing it. He's begging for it, from the one from whom all blessings flow.
And finally, in the end, he's back home in Canaan with his wives and children. He doesn't get everything right, though. (But that's for next week!!)
The Bible's Biggest Understatement: "Behold, It Was Leah!" | JD Greear Ministries
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
We tackle five chapters of Genesis this week in our Women's Bible Study as we begin to look in earnest at the life of Jacob after he receives his first visit from the LORD. You'll see this week that Jacob meets his match in his manipulative father-in-law...and he doesn't like being treated that way. It's almost like he's looking in a mirror.
While Jacob's childhood was marked by parents playing favorites, his marriage bears an uncanny familiarity when he favors one wife over another.
Even through Jacob's missteps and his manipulating father-in-law, we see the LORD faithfully working to bring about his promises: Jacob is blessed with 12 sons (and at least one daughter!!), he is prospered in spite of his superstitious animal husbandry, and he is reunited with this brother who was out to get him the last time we saw him. How will that reunion go?
All five chapters have a reading time of about 18 minutes...your coffee won't even get cold!!
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Oh boy. We've got a doozy in store for you today in our Women's Bible Study in the book of Genesis. We blow right past the half way mark of Genesis and today we really dig into Abraham's family, the OG dysfunctional family. A family of faith?? Yes, certainly the Bible tells us that; but also a part of flawed humanity, and the Bible doesn't try to hide that from us. Their foibles and missteps, their squabbles and disagreements are all laid out our us to see...but we also see how God works through all the messes of our humanity to bring his plan of redemption to pass. There are no lost causes with God.
So join us as we say goodbye to Abraham this week, we spend some time with Isaac and Rebekah, we see how much Jacob and Esau dislike each other and why, and we see how Jacob first responds to the God of Abraham and Isaac.
The Bible is NOT boring!!
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Prepare yourself for Women's Bible Study this week. We run the gambit this week with deceptions, trickery, stolen birthrights and blessings, death-threats, marriages, death, births, visions, and a little hanky-panky. (WHAT??? Hey, I didn't write it!!)
Get ready to say goodbye to Father Abraham this week, as the torch is passed to Isaac, who seems to be a chip off the old block (spoiler alert: we have the "threepeat" of She's My Sister!!). Isaac has twin boys who could not be less identical, and they don't really like each other. In fact, we end this week's reading with Jacob on the run because Esau wants to kill him!
Who knew the Bible could be so scandalous??
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
"A-rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham; a-rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham..." Does anyone remember this song?I'm quite sure it has nothing at all to do with this week's study, but it just popped in my head. LOL
This week in our Women's Bible Study we continue in the book of Genesis, where we see Covenant fulfillment and Covenant keeping in the opening verses of chapter 21 as Abraham and Sarah welcome their little bundle of laughter, Isaac. (See what I did there?)
We see God keeping his promises to Ishmael, even though Ishmael is not the son of the promise.
We see Abraham leaving more fingerprints in Canaan.
Abraham passes the ultimate test of faith, and he finally, though through difficult circumstances, owns a piece of the Promised Land.
And we see faith displayed in four characters as it's time for Isaac to take a wife and prepare for his Covenant blessing...and the LORD brings him Rebekah.
We see how laughter is a blessing from God; and we see how testing is designed to reinforce your faith, not destroy it.
It's been a busy week, but what a blessing!